Zen and the Art of Faking It Setting Zen and the Art of Faking It What Is the Authors Message

Updated: June 21, 2010 subsequently launch of modified online version.


In early March 2010 I began my third reading of "Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals" past Robert Pirsig. I returned to information technology for inspiration which it quickly began to provide. I wanted to share some of that inspiration by sending out some quotations on Twitter. I soon realized that there were likewise many to cull from – and that some far exceeded the 140 grapheme limit imposed past Twitter. The result was a playful try to ship out a philosophical metaphysics in bursts of short letters.


I would sit, usually commencement thing in the morn, and read a part of the volume. When I felt I had gone through a office I wanted to to send out I'd stop reading. Then, depending on my energy and inspiration, and unremarkably on the following forenoon, I would re-read it and send out select quotes via Twitter. I stripped out almost all of the dramatic story line and focused on the philosophical enquiry that inspired me. A few times I encountered sections that were very difficult for me to procedure – which put me off any more writing and reading for a few days. I sent out the beginning message on March seven and the last message on May 2 (I estimate approximately chiliad messages).

Soon after the process started I realized that I was creating a kind of excerpt of the book and that I would want to be able to review information technology as a whole. Luckily I was able to do this. The software running my website has a component that automatically collects all of my updates on Twitter into a single weekly post. Luckily information technology does this in chronological (oldest to newest) society, so information technology was very easy for me to string together all of the divide parts. Once a calendar week I would extract all of the relevant updates from this post, add them and edit them a bit more than to what accumulated into an excerpt of the volume. It was published as the 500th post on my website.

I though that was the finish of information technology. And so last week I was sitting in the morning staring out the window asking myself what I'd like to do that mean solar day. I didn't experience like doing any of the obvious things on my agenda. Then I dis some more staring. And then I started seeing images from my work coupled together with some of the ideas in "Lila". That same mean solar day I sat down and experimented with a formatting that combined text and images – and this PDF was born.

I really thought that was the end of that. But so (originally prompted by a comment past Bob on this very mail service), when I began to think about updating the design of this website, I establish myself dedicating an entire section to it. At present the online version has caught up with the PDF version and includes imagery and a similar formatting (this is what it looked like before).


The sequence of this excerpt remains true to the book. It's division into sections and the championship of each section is an ongoing and spontaneous editorial choice I made. Each section represents what I perceived to exist a coherent idea or theme. Each title is a motive that shimmered to me and originally served primarily as a mnemonic bookmark. The residuum of the words are directly from the volume.

The editing process was mostly spontaneous and afflicted by my understanding, my preferences and the requirement for conciseness imposed by Twitter. There were no professional intentions or processes employed. There was no objective – it was a playful endeavor. I take full credit for whatsoever errors, misunderstandings, alterations of context or other incoherences that may have resulted.


I have drawn much inspiration and insight from both of Robert  Pirsig's books "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and it'due south sequal "Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals".

In the 25th edition of "Zen and the Art of Motorbike Maintenance" (where the journey picked up in "Lila" began) that I have, I found two relevant quotations to answer why I did this. The first is an afterward past Robert Pirsig:

"In that location were no deep manipulative ulterior motives. Writing it seemed to have a college quality than non writing it."

The 2d is the opening of James Landis' (the book's publisher) keynote presentation of the book to his colleagues before publishing:

"This is, in an ultimate sense, a book about living, about how to live and, at least by inference, almost why."

The earth I live in feels 'not correct'. All of my attempts, to date, to notice a place in this globe take come short. I am therefore in a movement towards isolation – of distancing myself from this world. Withal, despite all my tempering, there is something passionate within me that wants to bear on and connect. I do see evidence of good and meliorate amidst the pointless racket – they give me support and hope.

My Yoga instructor suggests that sometimes nosotros need to "fake it until nosotros brand it". I am trying to embrace the world around me, peculiarly the parts that cause me to revolt. My default position is non "What is wrong with the world?" simply rather "What am I not seeing?". It'southward not yet an instinctual attitude – I am still faking it, hoping that ane day I will make information technology. Robert Pirsig'south writing has been a neat support in this endeavour – shedding new, cohesive, embracing, intellectual and inspiring perspective on this globe I live in. In this spirit I share it with you.


All of the images in this certificate were created during recent years within a process of creative exploration which started in the summertime of 2006 (very shortly afterwards I ended my career) and met Shahar Dor. Shahar is a living manifestation of Dynamic Quality. Our meeting was a divine turning signal in my life. He invited me into his world. He gave me refuge from the outside world and ushered me into a space in which, for what felt like the commencement fourth dimension in an otherwise deadening and pointless life, I could appear. On numerous occasions I felt similar I was in an insane asylum – but 1 in which insanity was a prized possession not an affliction to be cured.

All of the images are spontaneous occurrences. All of the images are a consequence of a meeting between digital engineering science and human nature. Some took place in practice settings others took place in operation settings, some took place somewhere in betwixt – performances with performers and no crowd. Some took place indoors, some took place outside, some took place in Israel, some took place in Europe. Information technology was never nigh a pursuit of an image – it was always a pursuit of presece. At that place was never foreknowledge of what would come and there were many disappointments. There were also many moments of pure joy – a sense of individual presence, a sense of connection and a sense of an embracing presence that goes beyond words.


This extract is available online in both an HTML web page and as this downloadable PDF. At the time of this writing the PDF version has gone through another editing cycle but the HTML remains more dynamic. The HTML spider web-folio is built with internal page links (anchors) – which make information technology possible to link not only to the page itself but as well to specific sections. This makes it possible for me to reference parts of the extract in other writings and also in other place on the Internet (for case – when I annotate on other people's websites). Some of these references accumulate at the bottom of the spider web page making it a Dynamic collection of other related resource. In addition the spider web-page has some embedded links to resources that expand on or relate to some of Pirsig's references. I wait the spider web-page will proceed to change, more then the PDF.

PS: 500 Posts

'Reading Lila' was the 500th post I published. My website displays posts in opposite chronological order – new ones appear before the older ones.  This postal service was posted later because: (1) I wanted and timed the actual reading to exist the 500th post;  (two) I only wrote information technology after I completed and published the reading process; (3) It was intended to reference the reading itself and appear as a foreword to it.

PPS: Mark

My usage of Twitter is non very social. I follow very few people and strive to follow less. I don't care how many followers I have and sometimes I too block followers who are 'mass-followers' (who follow, or then they similar to brand others recollect, thousands of people) who I don't want hanging around my karma.

Nevertheless, I was constantly enlightened that this game I was playing was causing a flood of updates to anyone who was following me (I believe I sent out ~1000 updates in this reading). I did nigh of my writing in my (local time) mornings – while well-nigh of the people following me (at least those in the USA) were sleeping and therefore spared the existent-time flood I was generating.

One of the people I follow is Mark Surman – a unique individual who's work I capeesh and admire. He is currently involved in a project called Drumbeat which is about spreading an awareness near the liberty of the internet and which stronly resonates with my interpretation of freedom.  During the reading I sent a respond twitter message to Mark who in response, and to my surprise, followed me. I was excited and happy about this. Marking represents, to me,  1 of the rare islands of good and better that makes me desire to reach out and partake.

A solar day or ii afterward I felt like reading and writing a second time in the same day. Information technology was evening (local time) which meant late forenoon USA time – which meant my updates would exist showing up in real-fourth dimension for the people post-obit me on Twitter. And, every bit luck would have information technology, the section I was reading was about Insanity. I don't know if it's what 'I said', or how much 'I said', but my hunch was correct – Marking unfollowed me. I considered that a loss, non of import, merely a loss.


Source: https://iamronen.com/blog/2010/05/03/about-reading-lila/

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